Fulshear Coaches and Athletes Rally Around Trainer Amber Jones

Fulshear Coaches and Athletes Rally Around Trainer Amber Jones

Fulshear, TX – In a touching display of solidarity, the Fulshear community has come together to honor their head athletic trainer, Amber Jones, who is battling breast cancer for the second time. The heartfelt tribute took place just before the kickoff of Friday’s football game against Foster.

Amber Jones, who has been serving as Fulshear High School’s head athletic trainer for the past two years, first conquered breast cancer in December 2020 when she was just 28 years old and working as a trainer at Buda Johnson High in central Texas.

Her initial battle with cancer included enduring ten rounds of chemotherapy and a challenging surgery, spanning an entire year from diagnosis to recovery. After successfully overcoming the disease, Jones diligently followed her doctors’ recommendations to minimize the risk of recurrence, even opting for preventive measures such as having stomach fat up to her breasts removed and undergoing a nipple-sparing mastectomy.

Despite these precautions, in a cruel twist of fate, two areas of suspicion were detected in Jones’ left breast during a routine checkup in late September – the same breast where cancer had struck before. Biopsies revealed that one of these areas was cancerous, while the other was dead tissue.

Jones, now 32, shared her thoughts on the unexpected recurrence, saying, “I don’t know if anybody or anything can help you prepare for any type of diagnosis of anything. But I also don’t think they prepare you for life after, like learning your new normals of what you can and can’t do, or how looking at yourself in the mirror messes with you emotionally.”

Despite the emotional turmoil she has faced, Jones remains resilient. Fulshear High School and its community have rallied around her in a heartwarming show of support. The football team wore black jerseys with pink lettering during the game, with parents purchasing these jerseys to raise funds for Jones. Additionally, local companies sponsored donations toward the jerseys. The cheer and dance teams joined in by wearing pink-out shirts, with $5 from each sale contributing to Jones’ cause.

The shirts carried a powerful message: “Her fight is our fight.”

The Chargers football players and coaches also contributed by donating money for every pink item they wore, culminating in a heartfelt check presentation to Jones before the game.

The event’s organizer, Tara Smith, the head cheer coach who has a breast cancer-suffering family member, was crucial. She emphasized that this event goes beyond raising awareness, saying, “It’s not just about wearing pink in October. It’s more than that. I think this really shows kids that it’s not just about awareness, but you want to do something about it. You can’t take the pain away or make her better, but you can show you care.”

Amber Jones, moved by the outpouring of support, remarked, “I had taken all the steps, talking to my oncologist and breast surgeon, to take the path of least reoccurrence. So many checkups passed. I thought I was OK. I’m shocked. But I also feel this is for a reason and that now is my time to be more of an advocate. I was already an advocate, but now I can be more of one because I’m like science. This was not supposed to happen, and it did.”

Jones’ story serves as an inspiring testament to the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity. Her colleagues and students at Fulshear High School continue to provide unwavering support, reminding her that she is not alone in this battle.

As she navigates the uncertain path ahead, Jones finds solace in the love and care she receives from her extended Fulshear family. She encourages everyone to advocate for themselves and their health, saying, “You know you. You know when something’s not right. Find somebody who listens. And live each day like it’s your last.”

Amber Jones has an upcoming appointment with her breast surgeon on November 3, where she hopes to gain more insights into her condition. For now, she remains resolute in her determination to overcome this challenge and continue living her life to the fullest.