A Look into the Prevalence of Steroid Use Among High Schoolers

A Look into the Prevalence of Steroid Use Among High Schoolers

As high school students aim to achieve their athletic goals, they often turn to steroids as a shortcut to success. Steroids, also known as performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs), are synthetic hormones that are often used to build muscle mass and improve athletic performance. However, the use of steroids among high schoolers is a dangerous and growing trend that poses several risks and consequences.

Prevalence of Steroid Use Among High Schoolers

According to a study conducted by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, approximately 3.3% of high school seniors in the United States reported using steroids at least once in their lifetime. This number might seem small, but it equates to over 60,000 high school seniors nationwide. Additionally, the study revealed that steroid use is more common among male athletes and those who participate in strength sports such as football, wrestling, and weightlifting.

Risks and Consequences of Steroid Use for High School Athletes

Steroid use among high schoolers can lead to several short-term and long-term health risks. Short-term risks include severe acne, hair loss, mood swings, and aggressive behavior, commonly known as “roid rage.” Long-term risks can include liver damage, high blood pressure, heart disease, and even death.

Steroid use can also have serious consequences for a high school athlete’s future. Colleges and universities have strict policies against steroid use, and athletes who are caught using steroids can lose their scholarships or face other disciplinary actions. Moreover, steroid use can result in permanent damage to an athlete’s reputation and even disqualification from competitions.

Why High School Students Should Avoid Steroids for Athletic Performance

High school students should avoid using steroids for several reasons. First and foremost, steroids are illegal without a prescription, and using them can result in criminal charges. Moreover, the use of steroids can result in severe and permanent health consequences that can impact a student’s life well beyond high school.

Additionally, using steroids can be counterproductive to achieving athletic success in the long term. While steroids may provide short-term gains, they can also lead to muscle weakness and other health issues that can impact an athlete’s performance and overall wellbeing. Instead of relying on steroids, high school athletes should focus on healthy and safe training methods that prioritize their health and wellbeing.

What About Legal Steroid Alternatives?

Legal steroid alternatives are supplements that mimic the effects of anabolic steroids without the dangerous side effects. These supplements are made from natural ingredients that have been shown to help increase muscle mass, strength, and endurance.

One of the most popular legal steroid alternatives is creatine, which is a naturally occurring compound found in the body. Creatine helps to increase muscle strength and endurance, allowing athletes to train harder and longer. Other popular legal steroid alternatives include beta-alanine, which helps to reduce fatigue during intense exercise, and branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), which help to promote muscle growth and recovery.

Legal steroid alternatives are often used by athletes and bodybuilders to help improve their performance and achieve their goals without resorting to dangerous and illegal anabolic steroids. These supplements are widely available and can be purchased without a prescription.

However, it is important to note that while legal steroid alternatives are generally considered safe and effective, they are not a substitute for a healthy diet and exercise program. To achieve the best results, athletes and bodybuilders should combine the best legal steroid alternatives with a balanced diet and regular exercise routine.

Moreover, it is essential to choose legal steroid alternatives from reputable manufacturers and to follow the recommended dosage guidelines. Overusing these supplements or combining them with other supplements or medications can lead to negative side effects.

Educating High School Students about the Dangers of Illegal Steroid Use

Educating high school students about the dangers of steroid use is critical in preventing its prevalence. Coaches, teachers, and parents can play an essential role in educating students about the risks and consequences associated with steroid use. They can also provide students with healthy alternatives to achieve their athletic goals, such as proper nutrition and safe training methods.

Furthermore, schools can implement strict policies against steroid use and provide students with resources for healthy and safe training.

Additionally, students should be encouraged to report any instances of steroid use to their coaches or school administrators to prevent its prevalence among their peers.

Moreover, educational programs that focus on the dangers of steroid use can be implemented in high schools. These programs can educate students about the risks and consequences of steroid use, as well as provide information on healthy and safe training methods. By educating high school students about the dangers of steroid use, we can prevent its prevalence among high school athletes.


In conclusion, the use of steroids among high schoolers is a dangerous and growing trend that poses several risks and consequences. Steroid use can lead to short-term and long-term health risks, as well as serious consequences for a high school athlete’s future. High school students should avoid using steroids for several reasons, including their illegality and potential for severe and permanent health consequences.

Instead of relying on steroids, high school athletes should focus on healthy and safe training methods that prioritize their health and wellbeing. Educating high school students about the dangers of steroid use is critical in preventing its prevalence, and coaches, teachers, and parents can play an essential role in educating students about the risks and consequences associated with steroid use. By taking these steps, we can promote healthy and safe athletic practices among high school students and prevent the dangerous trend of steroid use.